Monday, 19 November 2012


Hi Today I' showing sculptures made out of porcelain paper clay, they've been fired to cone 06, i'm not sure well, i don't know how i'm going to finished them. I don't think i'll put some color, may be leave them white, or put a white mate finish.... they are approx 15 inches tall.




Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Porcelain Bust

Hi, this is the beginning of me posting pictures of my new porcelain sculptures, most of them have been fired only once to cone 07. I use a porcelain paperclay from tucker.

These 3 bust are approx 8 inches tall, and they have been cover with a clear crackled glaze, then fired to cone 6.
The drops are oils paints. And i added some gold leaf in big chunks.
They can be purchased for 300$ (canadian) each.

New Stuff

Hi Everyone, today i want to share with you, a few things i've done not so recently...

These are encaustics paintings, I use natural beeswax that i purchased from a local beekeeper.
I prepared my encaustic by mixing beeswax with damar resin, and some pigments or simply oil paint.
They are 24 x 24 inches.
See you.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Hi Folks, Here a few WIP of a new installation called ''FACE A FACE''.

As you can see, it is always a good idea to begin with a good armature!!! For my part it was quite good except for the arms, i could have done them a little bit stronger.

Oh and be careful to wear gloves, concrete can burn yourself....

The armature is a mix of wood, styro, wires, screws.

I put a layer of chicken wire to hold the concrete in place.

I covered the entire pieces with regular construction concrete, for about an inch thick.

Don't Look at my face on this one! It seems i have 3 chins...

The installation is complete.

When the sun goes down.

Lovers (who said they where lovers???) can meet in the light between them.
The Women weight is around 75 pounds while the men is around 100.

I did these pieces in the beginning of the summer. Since then, i did a lot of work in clay, they are fired but not ready to show. But Very soon...

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Steampunk T

Today I'm posting  my version of a steampunk t shirt, or what could have been an underwear...

I found this great striped jersey, in brown, grey and black. Since i don't use jersey often, i decided to put a collar like on a shirt, it turned out pretty good I think.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

At Last!

I've been so lazy, not for working but blogging...

In my last post in october (hum!) i told you next one one would be clothing so here it is a few pictures of myself wearing trousers i finished yesterday night watching this nice movie called Boys Don't Cry.

They 're made with a medium weight 100% cotton. Pockets in the front are sewn topstiching them. There are 2 zippers for the lower part of this pocket forming a second one.

This is my very first no zipper fly, it's done with buttn and buttonholes, i would say i'm pretty glad of it.
