I Know This is not related to to main theme of this blog, but i need to share my PuMpKin PiE Recipe. I transform over the years a Caramel Pumpkin Pie, and Finally this year i've come to this amazing version.
So Here is the recipe
Caramel Pumpkin Pie
2 cups of sugar
1/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of salted butter
1/4 cup of heavy cream
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 pinch of salt
2 cups of pumpkin puree
For the pumpkin puree, i naturally do mine, but not with any kind of pumpkin... I use the flat one, in French we call it ''Citrouille Cendrillon'', i translate it with ''Cinderella Pumpkin''

For the way to make puree you can go tho this blog, where i took the pumpkin picture, they explain the perfect way to make it.
http://chiotsrun.com/2009/01/26/cinderella-pumpkin-rouge-vif-detampes/Now, Start with sugar in a saucepan, add the water, and over a medium-high fire heat it up until caramelized kind of medium dark color, remove from heat and add butter, stir well, add cream, stir well, and then the rhum stir again.
In a bowl, beat the eggs with salt and vanilla. When done, slowly mix the eggs preparation to the caramel.
Add the puree, and pour the mix in an unbaked pie crust, you will need a big one 12 inches...may be..!?
And cook in an preheat oven at 325F for 50 to 60 minutes.
That's it!

Of Course this one is nice with a coffee or a chilled glass of milk, But I've found that this pie goes so nice with ''La Fin du Monde'' a flavorfull beer from Unibroue , a strong blond beer with spicy flavors.
NB as you can see i didn't put any spices in the pie, it's on purpose, with the nice caramel flavor, you don't need any...I think!
Bon Appetit!
I will come back in a few days with a chrismas project! Yes already!